Good morning class!
Do you remember the personal pronouns? I, you, he, she, it , we, you, they.
Now, listen to the song: I’ve got a big red bike.

Can you hear the pronouns in the song?

Can you hear the pronouns in the song?
Escucha la canción y dime cuántos pronombres personales puedes encontrar.
Recuerda enviarlos al correo:
Recuerda enviarlos al correo:
I’ve got a big red bike
____'ve got a
big red bike
_____can ride it
when I like
My brother's got
a red one too
And now _____wants
to paint it blue.
My sister's got
a bike that’s green
____ likes to
keep it very clean
_____ love our
bikes, they're nice and new
Have ____ got a
nice bike too?
En el siguiente link hay cinco
juegos. Primero, repasa los pronombres, y escúchalos, y así podrás jugar mejor.
Come on! ¡Ánimo!
See you soon!
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